In the first place, I need to explain a little, the concept of the priesthood in order to bring about clarity. The Catholic priesthood is a participation in this priesthood of Christ, and therefore traces its origins to Jesus Christ himself. Hence, a priest acts “in persona Chrsiti”, that is, “in the person of Christ”. Thus, the principal work of a priest is seen in the Celebration of the Mass and the Sacraments geared for the salvation of souls (Salus animarum). These acts are seen in the office of the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, and Rev. Fathers.
From the foregoing, we can say that the Priesthood consists of the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, and Rev. Fathers.  Put differently, a Pope is a priest, a cardinal is a priest, a Bishop is a Priest, and a Rev. Father is a Priest as well. Many of us may assume that the priesthood is reserved only for Reverend fathers alone; as such we tend to see a Bishop or the Pope as one who has passed the stage of the priesthood. Let us get it right, they are all priests, the only difference lies in the hierarchy, that is, the offices (Bishop, cardinal, and Pope).
Hence, since the sacrament of Confession requires the medium of the Priest who acts in the person of Christ; and pointing at the question as to who hears the confession of the Pope, we come to understand that a Pope can go to confession at the hands of a priest also (Rev. father, a Bishop or a Cardinal), likewise a priest or a Bishop etc, can choose to go to confession at the hands of a Rev. Father or a bishop or a cardinal or the Pope.

I believe this answers the question.

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